Monday Mandala Roundup – September

Happy fall, everybeing!

Welcome to October and the Monday Mandala Roundup post for September!  As with previous MMR posts, this covers a month of the Monday Mandalas posted publicly on my Patreon page.

As usual, clicking on a image will take you to the public Patreon page for that day, which have the full images (not just snippets).

square image, light blue background, black outline mandala centered in lower left

Monday Mandala 2018-09-03 snippet

square image, green background, white outline mandala centered on the lower left corner

Monday Mandala 2018-09-10 snippet

square image, green background, white outline mandala centered near lower left

Monday Mandala 2018-09-17 snippet

square image, purple background white outline mandala centered in lower left

Monday Mandala 2018-09-24 snippet

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