Water Flowing, Take Me Home (225)

Water Flowing, Take Me Home

I can sense that it’s another sunny time out there, but hunger moves me.  I slide down into the water and out from my hidden space.  The water is still cool, ever moving, now in light, now in shadow.  My joints move smoothly in the water, pushing me off of one rock and another, moving across the flow.

The cool flowing water gives way to warmer water at the edges, moving slower and letting the light warm it.  This is my feeding grounds, crisp and tasty.

Just a few bites and I will go hide again.

In the edge of my vision, and far away, I see a movement in the leaves.  The water ripples, then, carrying the motion of something large.  Very large.  I flee.  Gliding, faster back across the cold water, hoping not to be seen, I flee.  And then, under and hidden again.

Until the roof lifts away, and I see a large creature reaching in towards me.  So large! I push away faster than I ever have, bouncing down with the water.  I let it carry me quickly, tapping against rocks to keep me safe and quick.

Splashes follow and there is no escape.  I am flying in the air, so far from home, so far from the cool flowing water.


“Momma Momma lookat what I caught!  Can I keep it? PLEEEEEZ!”

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