Category Archives: Humor Theory

Posts wherein I ponder on the underlying things that drive humor, how it works (or doesn’t).

Your jokes tell me who you are

Warning: This week I quote a patently offensive joke involving domestic violence. Timing is everything. I think I mentioned that I’m a bit of a gamer, yes?  As part of my effort to make some social contacts out here, I … Continue reading

Posted in About the Me, Humor Theory, RiotNrrd | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

The importance of prepositions

Bullying is not a laughing matter When you grow up weird, there’s a lot of phrases you’ll hear over and over: Can’t you take a joke? Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you. You’ve … Continue reading

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You are what you laugh at

The little book of shame At some point in my distant past, I ended up with a little book of jokes.  It might’ve been published as late as the early 80s, but I suspect the 50s or 60s is more … Continue reading

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Three variables of humor

That’s me, the bad data point … right there. I generally don’t have much use at all for dating sites or online quizzes, so this is in no way a blanket endorsement … but I do recommend “The 3-Variable Funny … Continue reading

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We interrupt your regularly scheduled post …

This isn’t the post I was going to make today. I have a whole post written up about why the best humor is like a burrito, complete with a new design release, and I’m pushing it back a week because … Continue reading

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Humor is a harsh mistress

I recently sat down and re-read for the Nth time one of the four Heinlein books I keep around – The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress.  It’s chock full of stuff to think about and talk about for days and … Continue reading

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