Mandala Doodle Roundup, November edition

Doodles Are Good Practice

As I posted about a while ago, I got started on mandalas when I found this free app for my phone to make some.  Well, I am still using it, because the phone is more convenient than the laptop far too often.

Also, doodling is good practice to try out new ideas.  The challenge of making colorable mandala type doodles with this very limited tool is an adventure.

Everybody Loves a Mudpie

Since I am producing them far more often, I’ve been putting them up on social media.  Every Monday, they’ve been going out on FaceBook and Twitter (but not G+ for technical reasons*) with the tag #MandalaMonday.  Hey, I’m an artist, not a social media tagging expert.

All of which is to say, hey! Let’s get them on here for posterity with a lovely roundup post!  I might even remember to do this next month!


Mandala_2015-09-12_004 Mandala_2015-09-12_001 Mandala_2015-09-07_005Mandala_2015-09-24_005 Mandala_2015-09-22_008 Mandala_2015-09-22_002 Mandala_2015-09-20_003 And, the last being the special Halloween-themed special one:
Halloween 2

* I think it’s really the content ownership wars between FB/Google/Twitter/etc. that prevent my social media management app from connecting with G+ on my Android phone, because it wants me to use the G+ app for more data mining, but the G+ app won’t let me pre-schedule posts, so …

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Spontaneous tentacle action

I’m gonna admit straight up that the mandala-style designs I’ve been working on lately are something I’ve never really tried before.  So, much of my inspiration has been coming from, well, image searches and flipping through books.

It shouldn’t be too big of a surprise, however, that they’re starting to branch out.

Ok, sprout tentacles.

White background with black-outlined swirls and arcsShould I be concerned?

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Mandala Microsample

Can I interest you in a sample?

Here’s a tiny sample from my latest mandala work:


How about a bigger sample?

The final version of the one I sampled in my last post:

A geometric black-on-white mandala patternClick through to get an even larger version.

My heart is a fish.

Completely unrelatedly, I really loved Ancillary Mercy, which complete’s Ann Leckie’s trilogy.  Get the series! Read it! Good stuff!

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A Bumpy Road To Art

The perils of ancient software

I mentioned in my last post that I found some lovely tutorials on the internet for making mandalas with Illustrator.  There’s one catch – they’re all for much newer versions than I’m using.  While one might think that this wouldn’t be such a problem, oh yes, it turns out to be one.

You can even see it in the mudpie in that last post – there’s an unintentional overlap along the edges of the wedges where it repeats.

If it works, it’s not a trick

With the help of my favorite librarian, I was finally able to get that resolved and everything lining up properly.

Which means I’m on to creating the second one. :) Here’s a sample of it so far:

white background, black lines and dots making a geometric pattern

A small sample

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A New Art Adventure

In Which I Get In A Rut

It turns out that having a small creature in your life makes it a lot harder to do art.  Everything’s fine as long as I’m up and moving about, but sitting down to do, well, anything, is an invitation to be climbed upon and generally interfered with.

… and Try to Get Back Out

After a few months of spending more time on social media than I should probably admit to and playing a lot more games than I want to admit to, because the phone doesn’t spark the same level of interference, I went looking for something different.  Something calming and mellow, not a game that would keep me looping over and over, something artistic but not seriously so.

In the end, I stumbled upon a decent, free app for making mandalas.

This was good, because I made a few ones I liked (I posted a few on The Social Medias).  This was also less good fairly quickly, because I rapidly discovered the boundaries of what I could do with it.

You Know Where This Is Going 

I’ve seen mandalas on RedBubble and suchlike, and I’ve seen tutorials for them on the internets, so surely they can’t be that hard!

Oh, I am so optimistic sometimes.

Trying to do them by hand proved … painfully bad.  Lopsided, awkward, lumpy.  I’m sure that, given a few years and maybe some polar coordinates paper (say, from Incompetech) and several more hours in the day of time to work, I might someday turn out adequate, mediocre mandalas by hand.

Instead, realizing how unlikely that was, I went hunting YouTube tutorials on doing them the easy way with Illustrator.

Here’s my first attempt:

a black and white circular repeating pattern (aka, mandala)

This is the mudpie of mandalas

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An Open Letter to Past Me

Apparently, Past Me Hates Money

Dear Past Me,

Why do you hate making money so much?  It’s not enough that I found a tree design that never got posted to Zazzle, but I found a tree design that was entirely completely vectorized but never posted anywhere?

no love,
Current Me

Current Me Likes Money

Current Me doesn’t have much time to vectorize, but likes money and occasionally has time to wrangle with the PoD sites.

Finally available now is an adorable Tree Family which was only posted here in the original sketch version.  I seem to have done the vectorized version quite a while ago, but never posted it for prints, etc. on the PoD sites.  Here’s a thumbnail of the cleaned up version:


You can now get it at RedBubble and on Zazzle!

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