The Windblown Tree

Art, meet reality.  Reality, meet art.

A while ago I posted a sketch of a “leaning” tree.  In fairly short order, one of my readers (hi Mom!) sent me a photo from a trip to the southernmost part of the US – Hawaii:

Photo of a tree in Hawaii

Reality of a tree growing up windy

Somewhat inspired by that, I did this small sketch of a much more accurately windblown tree:

A tree that's grown up in a windy place

The Windblown Tree

In other news …

I’ve been having a difficult time figuring out how to get from sketches to tshirts or other things.  It’s seemed like all my tools have been not quite what I needed.  A friend linked me to some tutorials about using Illustrator to do this kind of work, and it’s all finally clicked.

Expect some nice tree renditions soon. :)

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Putting the ‘work’ back in ‘coworking’

You asked for it, you got it

A while ago Ferrett Steinmetz asked on the twitters if someone would make him a shirt that said “I’m only awesome on the Internet”.  Myself, I hear I’m much more awesome off the Internet, but … this is the kind of thing that I do, so I made a note to myself to make it so.

I was a bit busy at the time with other projects, but yesterday I found myself at the coworking space with a bit of spare time … and the urge to get some kind of new design up. A bit of tinkering (and font-fussing) later, I was uploading images.

I'm only awesome on the Internet

I blame the Ferrett

You can get them on Zazzle right here:*  (note slightly different shop than usual)

In related news …

Since I was uploading images anyway, I put up a couple of other ones:

I have no expectations that anybody is going to think those are hilarious but me, but there they are.  Someone go get em.  Same link as above:*

In related news, I’m looking for a free/cheap, royalty-free, big photo image of the Constitution of the United States for a new, related design.  Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong places, but I haven’t found one yet.

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Why I use a Coworking space

Get Out Of the Damn House Already

About a month ago, I made a connection with the folks over at Hive4a, a local coworking space.  They’ve got reasonable monthly rates (cheaper than going to a coffeeshop!) and a pretty cool space and I get to get out of the house.

If you are a solo entrepreneur and you haven’t heard about coworking, I suggest you check it out.  If you are a regular working monkey that travels and sometimes needs an office to work out of while you’re on the road, I suggest you check out coworking, too.

In general, they’ll offer you a desk and all the internet you can use, without worrying about whether someone’s going to walk off with your laptop while you go to the bathroom or someone’s going to accidentally spill coffee in your lap.  Many places also offer general office  services, like coffee, copying, faxes, and some even offer receptionist services.

To find a coworking space near you (or your destination) check out DeskWanted and LooseCubes.

Side Benefits May Include Humor

Hive4a has a Keurig for its coffee service.  I’m not crazy about Keurigs – I primarily drink tea, and the water always ends up tasting a smidge of coffee.  Also, folks forget to refill the water and, most annoyingly, leave their old K-cup in the machine for someone else to take out.

To combat this, I put up a sign earlier this week.  Then I didn’t come in for a couple days (while buying a car).  Today, I came back to see that someone had modified the sign.

This is one of the reasons I really wanted to connect with a coworking space … you just can’t get this kind of interaction when you work alone in your house:

Modified sign at my coworking space


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One of these things is not like the others

Hoot! Hoot!

My big news this week is that I bought a car.  Finally, after about three weeks since I knew my previous one was totaled.

Unfortunately, it took a bit more money than I’d hoped, so if you’re feeling at all like you might could use new funny shirts or mugs or something, you might consider checking out my Zazzle shops (or this one).  If, for example, you realllllly want a tree-sketch on something, let me know which one and I’ll see what I can do.

In other news …

I drew you all a tree.  This one is a smidge different from some of the others if you examine it closely. :)

Owl in a Tree

There's something a little different about this one ...

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Silver on the tree

A sparse tree with a few silver leaves

Experimenting with the silver pen - not sure it's successful

Fridays are for … foliage?

In any case, this tree is an experiment with the silver pen I picked up recently – adding leaves and multicolor tree action.

It’s sparse, but I think that works for it …. if there were much more in the way of branches, the leaves wouldn’t show up or fit right.

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Interwoven trees

EDIT 2015/05/07: I periodically get inquiries about using this image in various ways (weddings, logos, etc.).  I am not currently licensing this image; please do not use it for commercial or personal purposes.  Thank you for respecting my art and ownership.
EDIT 2017/05/09: I have just completed a clean, vector version of this image that I am licensing (including for weddings, a popular request I get). View it here. Rates vary by usage, email me (gimmetrees at works) for details.

I adore trees.  I know, it’s not a surprise at all, but I do want to make that really clear.

With that on the record, I have an admission to make.

I do from time to time consider the ways in which I can make my beloved trees … marketable.

So, in one of those cold-blooded, “somewhere someone will find this adorable and buy it on everything” moments, I came up with the idea of drawing two trees next to each other, with crossing branches forming a heart.

I started the drawing and it was, indeed, adorkable.  I sent a phone pic of it to my partner, who told me to stop there or it would be too much.

I didn’t listen and kept adding, putting in the little swirls that I love about my older tree doodles.  I am now wondering … is it too much?

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