Keepers (412)


When I was a little kid, I kept them in jars.  All commons, bought with my allowance or pennies I snitched from Mom’s cup of change.  Don’t look at me like that – five year olds can’t tell the difference between commons and the real beauties.

I first started playing for keeps when I turned six.  I know some kids play for fair, but that’s ’cause they ain’t any good at it.  Competition builds skill, you know?  Good thing I had all those commons, I guess, since I wasn’t any good at all then either.  Gotta practice somehow, and that’s about all commons are good for.

Eventually, I got good enough that Pops wouldn’t play me any more.  He just didn’t have a head for strategy, and I figured out the angles.  He didn’t have anything really good either, but a kid’s got to start somewhere.  Only then could I start my real collection.

I spent a week walkin’ around the block the summer I was seven, sizin’ up the other kids.  Figurin’ out who had the nicest, shiniest ones, and who could knuckle down the best.  I watched him for days and I knew I could take him down.  So I took three whole jars down to the store and traded ’em in for five of the prettiest ones I’d ever owned, and then I challenged him.  He laughed at me until I pulled out one of ’em and put it down on the line.  He got two of mine and I walked away with all of his.

Next day, he found me and asked for ’em back.  I tossed him the chalk, and got my two back and more of his.  That’s how the rest of the summer went, until I had jars of nothing but shiny and I had to walk over to the next three blocks to find kids who still had ones I wanted to have.

Good thing Mom never found out about that, ’cause she woulda had my hide for that.

Two years later, Pops took me out on the circuit.  Traveling from town to town, lining ’em up and knockin’ em out.  He kept the money, I kept the shinies.  Traded ’em up when I could, until all I had were the real beauties and shiny glass cases to keep em in.

Look at ’em all, kid.  Someday they’re all gonna be …. what’s that?  Nobody plays marbles anymore?  What’s wrong with you kids these days?

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Your jokes tell me who you are

Warning: This week I quote a patently offensive joke involving domestic violence.

Timing is everything.

I think I mentioned that I’m a bit of a gamer, yes?  As part of my effort to make some social contacts out here, I go on Wednesday evenings to the local gaming shop and partake in the silliness that is Wizards of the Coast-spawned Encounters, based on D&D.

Yes, I know they bought D&D.  I have some Opinions about what they’ve done with 4th edition, and most especially with Encounters.

I’d like to thank my fellow gamers there for giving me something to blog about this week, because I kinda put it all out there last week and didn’t have a good plan for this week.

Hurr!  Hurr!  Boobs!

The group there is about half folks old enough to be President and half folks in their early twenties.  Including me, there’s two women out of the eight or so regulars in the Encounters group and the proportions are about the same for the other store patrons on Wednesdays.  This seems to still be fairly typical for ‘serious’ gaming environments.

Which is why, I suppose, they still consider it ok to make women-as-object jokes.

I’ve been doing the thing most women do when they consider the overall experience still worthwhile – considering polite ignoring of such jokes part of the price I pay for interacting with other folks in an activity I enjoy.  On good days, I respond with some non-hate-y humor of my own, and from time to time put in a sharp line of not-what-you-expected wit.

I play male characters not infrequently; humor befalls the players who happen to forget that.

I used to pretty much take this kind of low-level mysogyny in stride.  Whatever, whatever.  This week, not so much.

Your jokes tell me who you are.

This week, near the end of the game, two of the guys about my age in the group started trading flat-out women-hating “jokes”.  After two or three, the exchange culminated with this one:

“What do you call a woman with two black eyes?”
“Nothing!  You already told her twice!”

And they both laughed.

The rest of us, just sat there, stunned and uncomfortable.  Including, sad to say, me.

I mean, what is there to say to that kind of complete asshole behavior?  What could I say that might not be dismissed as just being a reactionary, irrational, defensive, feminist that hates all men?

After a minute of pained silence, I just plowed on with the conversation about dividing up the loot.

In the long run, though, just ignoring it and moving on isn’t enough.  No matter what your parents told us as kids about ignoring bullies until they give up, that’s a tactic for the times when you don’t have a choice about being there.

I have a choice about going to the gaming group.  One of my options is not to go – to decide that listening to this kind of crap is a price too high for a few hours of entertainment. But then we all lose.

It’s a matter of trust.

I was thinking about this in the Shower of Anti-Productivity, and trying to figure out what drove them to tell and laugh at that particular joke.  By the time I was done with the conditioner, I concluded that it comes down to one of two options:

  1. They think domestic violence is OK.
  2. They enjoy making me uncomfortable and unhappy.

That’s pretty much it for potential reasons.  I’m hard-pressed to come up with a reason that doesn’t boil down to one of those two.  They are both pretty lousy reasons, and I am not ruling out the possibility that it is both (embrace the power of “and”).

On the other hand, it’s totally fucking useful to know this.  Now I know how far I can trust them – which is to say, I trust them to be assholes.

And maybe, just maybe, that’s the answer.  To peel back the social facade and the veneer of civility they’re pretending to, and let them know that we see what they did there.

So – to my fellow gamers, let me say this:

Thank you.  Thank you for letting me know exactly where you stand on domestic violence and the value you place on the women in your lives.

Posted in About the Me, Humor Theory, RiotNrrd | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Water Flowing, Take Me Home (225)

Water Flowing, Take Me Home

I can sense that it’s another sunny time out there, but hunger moves me.  I slide down into the water and out from my hidden space.  The water is still cool, ever moving, now in light, now in shadow.  My joints move smoothly in the water, pushing me off of one rock and another, moving across the flow.

The cool flowing water gives way to warmer water at the edges, moving slower and letting the light warm it.  This is my feeding grounds, crisp and tasty.

Just a few bites and I will go hide again.

In the edge of my vision, and far away, I see a movement in the leaves.  The water ripples, then, carrying the motion of something large.  Very large.  I flee.  Gliding, faster back across the cold water, hoping not to be seen, I flee.  And then, under and hidden again.

Until the roof lifts away, and I see a large creature reaching in towards me.  So large! I push away faster than I ever have, bouncing down with the water.  I let it carry me quickly, tapping against rocks to keep me safe and quick.

Splashes follow and there is no escape.  I am flying in the air, so far from home, so far from the cool flowing water.


“Momma Momma lookat what I caught!  Can I keep it? PLEEEEEZ!”

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The importance of prepositions

Bullying is not a laughing matter

When you grow up weird, there’s a lot of phrases you’ll hear over and over:

  • Can’t you take a joke?
  • Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you.
  • You’ve got to learn to laugh at yourself.

These are all crap.  Crap, crap, crap.

It sucks when people laugh at you.  Why would it be any better if you join in?

It sucks because, in these situations, they’re laughing at you for being different.  For being unfortunate.  For being weird.  For being your own person.  For screwing up some tiny bit of some unwritten social code.  For being an object of ridicule.

That’s why they call it laughing at you – because you’re an object in their eyes.

At is a preposition for objects.  She threw the snowball at the window.  He was mad at the cat.  I laughed at danger.

If we’re having a fight and I’m angry enough to throw something, I throw it at you.  On the other hand, if we’re heading out for dinner and you’ve offered to drive, I throw the keys to you, all friendly-like.

If the waiter drops a plate, some jerk might laugh at him.  If we go running through a meadow in a summer rain shower, I might laugh with you out of pure joy.

One little word makes a difference.

I am a laughing matter.

There is, however, a lot to be said for not taking yourself too seriously, and laughter is good for you.

I fairly often do completely ridiculous things with the intention of getting people to laugh.  I’m usually laughing when I do it, because I am amusing, I am having fun, and I am … inviting others to laugh with me.  I mean, I wore this hat in public more than once:

The Horrible Hat

Yes, I wore this hat in public

I believe that laughing at people is nowhere near as awesome as laughing with people.

When we laugh with people, we are sharing and growing closer with them. We think about the similarities between us, how we could just as easily have been the one who just realized, after eight years of owning and driving the same truck daily, that a part of the cup holder pulls out to make a second cup holder.  Oops.

The catch is, I’m never going to think that “missing” second cup holder has the slightest bearing on my intelligence or my worth as a human being.  I’m forgetful and sometimes I’m oblivious, but this doesn’t make me stupid.  So, I share this with you out of a place of strength for me.  I’m inviting you to be amused with me.

When people laugh at you, it’s at the places you aren’t strong.  I’ve been laughed at before.  It sucks.

Being laughed with, whether it’s me and my niece on the Dumbo ride at Disneyworld, or it’s me and some nerdy friends following the association train to Humor Town … it’s pretty awesome.

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A Light In the Darkness (346)

A Light In the Darkness

He paused for a moment when he reached the driveway, holding up his cellphone like a flashlight to check the number on the mailbox.  The numbers wiggled a little when he tried to focus on them, but it was definitely his mailbox.  Just before the display flickered off, the clock ticked over to 3:07am.

He blinked up at the house.  The light was on in the living room.

She should’ve been asleep by now.  She always was.  Not one of those folks who stays up late.  Not any fun at all anymore.

She must’ve left the light on for him this time.  A light to bring him home.  Their home.

They’d had bad times before, and this was another, but they’d hung on before.  No matter how mad she was at him for going out and drinking, she never would’ve left the light on if she didn’t mean him to come home.

He patted their mailbox and happily, carefully walked up the driveway.  He fumbled with his key for a moment, but then just tried the knob.  It opened.

She wouldn’t have left it unlocked if she didn’t mean him to come home.

He stumbled into the living room, trying to be quiet.  She finished putting a book in the box in front of her and stood up.  “You’re home”, she said.

“I am.  I got talking to a buddy, and one thing and another, y’know.”  He took a couple steps into the room, thought better of it, and sat heavily down on the couch.

“I know.”

“You didn’t have to leave the light on for me.  I could’ve made it by myself … but it was like a beacon bringing me home to you.  And you’re awake to meet me …” his voice dropped to a mutter.  “You didn’t have to leave it on for me.”

She looked over at the couch, and his eyes followed hers, seeing blankets and a pillow there next to him.  “No,” she said, as she flipped the switch and shut the door behind her, “I left it on for me.”

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The Traditional Cyber Monday Sale Post

I don’t do MondaysBlack Fridays.

I know this is kind of heretical, as someone trying to make money in this economy, but I hate Black Friday.  Black Friday is the epitome of Commercialmas … the corruption of a simple religious celebration into a giant marketing juggernaut.  It’s already overtaken Thanksgiving and I don’t think it’ll be long before it passes Halloween … eventually we’ll be hounded with the obligation to buy crap for people year-round.

If I can manage it, I follow Buy Nothing Day and … buy nothing.  I was on vacation (I saw the ocean!), so I think I bought lunch and dinner.  That’s it.

For similar reasons, I didn’t make a big promotion about my shops, either.

Germs? For me?  You shouldn’t have.

The thing I got for Black Friday was a nasty cold.  Otherwise I’d have cranked out the humor theory post I’ve been intending to write for weeks now.

Also, I know lots of folks do like deals and do buy gifts for the holidays for their special people (or themselves), and my inbox is full of promotional deals from my Print On Demand purveyors, so …. instead of ‘I’m sick, no post’, here’s the current deals for you all…

Printfection is 40% off over $50!

Use code CyberMon11 today only to get 40% off the base price any order over $50!

My shop:
This includes the popular “Why can’t we all just get oolong?

Zazzle has multiple discounts!

Use code ZCYBERMONDAY today only to get $5 off shirts, 60% off of wrapped canvas, $3 off mugs (or mugs), %50 off posters and prints, plus free shipping on orders over $50!

My main shop:
This includes the quite popular “Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you

My photography shop:

Cafepress has free shipping and 30% off tshirts!

Use code CMSHIP today only to get free shipping on orders over $60!  Tshirts are 30% off today only, no code needed.

Note: this code works for items through the CafePress Marketplace only.  Buying directly through my shops doesn’t count.

This includes the popular “Ask your doctor if getting off your ass is right for you“, “Daily Allowance of Sarcasm“, and “Carbivore” among others.

More to come ….

There’s almost always a sale going on at one of the POD sites for something.  Sometimes it’s just 10%, but sometimes it’s 50% or free shipping.  So … if you’re looking for a sale, drop me an email and I’ll let you know what’s going on right then.

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