Print on demand goes 3D

It used to be, back in the day, that people who wanted just a couple custom printed shirts had to buy themselves screens and ink and figure out the whole screenprinting thing.  Or, y’know, get a Gocco.

Then CafePress and Spreadshirt and all the other POD services came along, with their ability to easily print one-off shirts any time you wanted.  For lazy folks like me, this was entirely awesome.

The same sort of thing is happening again, just in THREE DEE.

First it was the RepRap folks and MakerBot folks.  They figured out how to build a cheap (ish) machine that would take a 3D model file (like a CAD file) and print it out of plastics and/or polymers.

Now Shapeways and Sculpteo are taking on the print on demand market for 3D printing.  You upload a 3D model file, set a royalty percentage, and wait for people to buy it.  When someone buys it, they feed it into the 3D printer and ship out the completed thing, and you get paid.  Sounds familiar, eh?

Of the two, Shapeways looks like the leading candidate – they have a sharper Marketplace, better pricing, and a wider variety of materials available.  That said, note that both of them (in fact, all the POD 3D printing sites I could find) are in Europe, so be prepared to pay tariffs/duty on anything you order.

It’s not likely to start replacing MadeInChina unless the printing costs come down, but if you’ve got an eye for 3D design, check it out.

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Time (498)


“The time is seven fourty-three and twenty-six seconds. Precisely sixty-two seconds after you last asked.”


She shifted the weight on her feet slightly, back to front, front to back. That was the thing that got to her – her feet were killing her.  Even so, it seemed like a reasonable tradeoff – her feet, their souls.

Take the soul she was waiting to collect right now, for example. Female, age 27, dated but never married, worked one job to the next but never promoted, had acquaintances but no friends. A nobody. This morning, the woman was going to meet up with the wrong guy at the wrong time, and the shine on her soul was going to go dark. Her job was to stop that from happening. Continue reading

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Why I use CafePress

I’ve been on CafePress since 2001. Originally, I only used them for items with the Ninth Circle logo, but one day a friend mentioned that he’d really like to find a tshirt that said “RiotNrrd”.  A little bit of work with Fireworks and BAMPF, I had one posted for him to buy.

Next up was “Anyone who thinks ‘the customer is always right’ has never worked in tech support” and “My zombie boyfriend loves me for my brains”.  At that point, it was pretty much just a hobby – making one-offs for myself or for friends – and local printshops just aren’t cost effective for one-offs.

Over the years, CafePress has sometimes lagged behind other POD sites (it took them years to add black shirts, for example), but there are still a number of reasons to use them:

  • They’re still popular
    For someone who wants to consume rather than design, CafePress is really convenient.  Just go to the site, put in search terms and buy from their Marketplace.
    For someone who wants to sell, that Marketplace works for you, even if you aren’t driving traffic from your own website.  This can work well if you’re working with popular topics, but specialized niches have their buyers as well.
  • Quality items and printing
    Some folks got turned off of CafePress ten years ago because of the quality of the printing or their items; however, they upgraded and improved both several years ago, and their stuff is the equal of any other POD site.
  • Common file formats
    Some sites (*cough*Spreadshirt*cough*) only accept images in vector formats, which require software that most folks don’t have, often costs a lot of money, and/or has a very steep learning curve.  CafePress accepts JPGs, GIFs, and PNGs, which you can create with simple programs or take straight off of your digital camera.  Easy peasy.
  • Easy product creation
    Want to put one image on any or all of their items?  One tool does it all, and all at once.  Some sites make you add the products one at a time, or only have certain items in their quick creation tools (*cough*Zazzle*cough*) – CafePress has them all.
  • Flexible paid account plans
    Their basic stores are … really basic and very limited.  Other than one-offs, a premium store is really necessary.  The good news is that CafePress has finally (August 2011) added a pay-as-you-go payment plan for premium stores.  Unlike their prepaid plans ($7-5/mo, depending on how long you pay up), this payment plan is a straight 10% cut of your royalties (up to $10/mo).  For someone just starting out, this is a good thing.

If you’re looking to tap into causes, older demographics, or sentimental traditions, CafePress may be a good match for you.  Its widespread popularity amongst the general population and active Marketplace can put you in a buyer-rich environment.

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Rum Runners (260)

That night, we made His Lordship mojitos. He sipped them slowly while he wrote out what would be his final memoirs.

Earlier in the evening, while we were out in the garden, picking the mint, you kept a look out across the manicured lawns while I unlatched the kitchen gate where we would make our escape.

After all, that was how we had snuck in, pretending to be servants with a smile and a uniform. No one looks at servants – they are the invisible hand amongst invisible doors and corridors, separate yet interlocking with the halls where power dwells. With the right jacket, one can walk right through the secret passages and into the confidence of a lord.

You’d almost balked when I suggested it – it seemed like a betrayal of the highest order – but when I promised to set you up as my personal butler and buy you away from the captain … well, you seemed to take to the idea. One should never pass up a promotion, and the captain never did properly appreciate you.

Of course, I never would have come up with the idea if it weren’t for that torrid night off Barbados, when my captain picked you up lost at sea, clutching your cap so you could make a proper presentation when you were rescued. Aye, we turned you into a good cabin boy, fetching us tea as if we were proper gents, while we smuggled the best rum from the islands to the straits of Dover.

Speaking of the rum runners, boy, pass me another mojito.

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Flash filk is the new snowclone.

The other night, I found myself twitting, in that old school sense of “gently teasing”, a friend of mine about some filk she was in the middle of perpetrating with the help of my partner.

Filk, for those who only consume the mass media, is the term for taking a tune and putting new lyrics to it.  Sometimes this is wholesale replacement of lyrics, which might make Weird Al Yankovic the consummate filker. More often these days, some or most of the original lyrics are retained to improve recognition of the original source.

In the middle of mockingly blaming her for leading him into bad habits, I realized somewhat shamefacedly that this is a bad habit I have myself.  I do it allllllllllll the time.

I just call them snowclones.

Seriously – what else are snowclones, if not taking an existing tunephrase and tweaking it with some new lyricswords?  They’re just the ultra-short-form version.

This fits in with my other bad habits, like multi-tasking and writing flash fiction.  In fact, one might even say that snowclones are a form of flash filk.

Yeah, I’m gonna go with that.  Flash filk is the new snowclone.

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The Rabbits of the Titanic (98)

Bosun’s log, starship Titanic, 2187, March 15.

Haven’t updated in a week. The rabbits have overrun the ship.

Today, the captain announced that we’ll let the dogs hunt them down.

Last week, I found a quiet brace of them that looked me in the eyes before they ran. I chased them down corridors, through hatches, blind into a dark room. There they hunched – eyes, eyes, eyes full of vicious intelligence the last thing I saw as they swarmed me.

I stood blindly on the bridge as the captain gave the order.

Me, I don’t think the dogs stand a chance.

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