Tag Archives: spirals


Spontaneous tentacle action I’m gonna admit straight up that the mandala-style designs I’ve been working on lately are something I’ve never really tried before.  So, much of my inspiration has been coming from, well, image searches and flipping through books. … Continue reading

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Oil pastel mudpie 2

Further experiments You knew this was coming, right?  That, once I tried out this new media, there would be trees, right? Smart of you. I like this one a bit, though it’s still pretty clearly a novice effort.  I’m definitely having … Continue reading

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What Happened After

A funny thing happened on the way to the POD … Let me be the first to say that the tree sketches I post here aren’t exactly Amazing Art With A Capital A.  I’m getting a bit better as I … Continue reading

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Early October Tree

I’ve got a soft spot for spirals When I first started doodling trees (let’s not say how many years ago that was, eh?), I would start by sketching out the main branches and then fill in all the intermediate space … Continue reading

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Ambiverts Unite!

I am a bad data point When I was in my teens, I got my hands on one of the simplified Myers-Briggs tests.  You may know the ones – they sort you out into things like ISFP and ESFJ and … Continue reading

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A late September tree

We’ve come a long way, pen tool Me and the pen tool, well … we haven’t gotten along so well in the past.  I think we’ve come a long way since then …. using it no longer makes me want … Continue reading

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